Thursday, September 27, 2007

my track in the show

Folks, what you’ve all been waiting for, the show itself. Max and Ruby is a delightful romp of time that airs on nickelodeon and noggin daily. It’s a series revolving around a pair of bunny siblings. The TheatreWorks show work in a similar vain. The show centers around Ruby trying to put together a show for her grandma, while max and other interruptions get in her way. That summary is all nice and good, but what you really need to know is that the show is a 45 minutes crack addicted romp of crazy times. Ruby is on stage for the whole show, and while she has no costume changes, she has to carry the whole damn thing on her back. Annie plays ruby, and she’s super rockin. But at the end of the day, the show is Lee’s. he plays max, and he may only have one word a scene, but somehow the kids watch him non-stop…not that he’s not super good, cuz he is wonderful, but its some shit is all I’m sayin. Then the rest of us (me, jojo, tricia, and Kristin) play a crazy assortment of bunnies and other random characters that come in and out of the bunny siblings day.
I’m gonna give you a sweet dose of my track at this point (if any other cast members wanna hit up their tracks, than by all means, let the world wide web know whats going on, for real for real).
I start the show as mr. barley…now lemme tell you a lil bit about old man barley. He is a 68 year old lecherous old man bunny. Not that the inspiration for this character is in any way lecherous, but the character is inspired by two Ithaca college professors, norm Johnson and greg bostwick. They both combine to create the brilliance of old man barley. On top of them, old man barley has undertones of wanting to spend alone time with the lil bunny max. that never comes across in performance, its just part of my journey is all Im sayin. Barley comes on for the opening number to look for max, and immediately after that I change into Gracie. Gracie is a saucy, sexually repressed, nerdy girl bunny scout. I have to shave everyday because of gracie, and as a result I find myself resenting her in great amounts, but alas, I put all that behind me when I take the stage, bc a true artist does not judge, but rather simply is. Blegh. Anyway, some people do happen to think that gracie is just mr. barley in disguise so he can get closer to the young bunny rabbits, but I don’t know if that rumor holds any truth…its hard to say…regardless gracie has a lot of spunk. And I look really goood in my purple dress, braids, and knee highs. Im pretty sure everyone that sees the show wants gracie. She signs the most autographs at the end of the show, and there is nothing like singing really high in my normal voice, and then having to switch over to my falsetto since the music person wrote the entire part right in my break, which was just about the sweetest thing that could have ever been done for me….its awkward is all im gonna say, but im an awkward guy, so I guess everything is working out as planned.
After gracie’s first scene is done, I make a super quick change into the alien green gorilla…he’s furry, he’s sings off key (my fault) and he has cowboy boots ☺ I like the fur and the cowboy boots. Im basically a big figment. So I come on, act like a fool for a scene and sweat my balls of and then I go off and make a 30 2nd quick quick change from hell…seriously…back to old an barley, and then I simultaneasoluy play barley and a ribbit frog at the same time, and its jus crazy is what it is. Then I jump into gracie for the sake of a set change, a change in which I take the opportunity to show some bunny leg and shake some bunny tale and provide some much needed sass. Afterward I transform into a scary tarantula. He’s super scary is all im sayin. While we were rehearsing in the studio I would watch us in the mirror (cuz we all make-up the tarantula) and every single time, pee would run down my leg. The fear gets to ya man. Anyway, we do this wicked cool tarantula number, I sing some jazz….also prolly off key…and I got claws and a head dress and the kids go nuts. Then I become gracie again and come out and we end the show in this crazy hallucinogenic acid trip, that always concludes with me not really realizing whats just happened. And then all of a sudden we’re taking the set down and moving on. Crazy really. But its got some catchy tunes and everyone gives some sweet performances. Good times all around.

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